Joanna Michele

My amazing little girl - Born July 11, 2010 - 7lbs 14oz 19in.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9 months & counting!

 On Monday our Joanna turned 9 months old! She is getting SO big! A few days before her 9 month birthday, Joanna took her first steps! I was shocked and I never thought she'd be the early walker. She has been standing on her own for a while now, but since she didn't do it for very long at a time, I thought we would have a ways to go before walking. My little miss proved me wrong! As of today, she can take 5-7 steps at a time and she can change direction while standing! (Maybe she will be running by 1, hehe)

It's now time to get some cabinet locks. She used to open the cabinets before just by using them for support when standing, but now she knows stuff is in there! Mostly, she goes for the cabinet with all the plastic containers. I'll let her have that cabinet but gotta lock up the others!

Also, today I found a 3rd tooth! She likes to eat my fingers and I felt something sharp up top! Yay to the third tooth! She has been sooo drooly lately, I've been wondering where the rest of her teeth were LOL. She is taking it much better than her 1st two teeth but I can tell she is a bit sensitive.  

That's all for now, Easter is soon and I'm going to have Easter eggs filled with puffs and yogurt melts in the backyard waiting for her. I am still trying to figure out what else to fill her basket with!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Joanna can clap!

As of last Thursday, my Joanna is clapping! I've been showing her how to clap for a while and it is exciting that she can finally do it! I will be SUPER excited when she gives me high five. (Yes, I'm a geek and am ALL ABOUT the high five!!)

I've been taking her room wall by wall and wall #1 is almost complete! I am doing fabric wall art that has birds that appear to be holding her name. All of the pieces are cut out and taped to the wall so now I just need time to apply the solution to make it stay! I was going to do clouds but realized that LESS IS MORE! I think it is perfect just the way it is so I don't want to mess with it.

In other news, I am wondering when "ma-ma" will make its grand appearance and be the new main thing Joanna says. :-/ Right now we hear da-da-da-da-da ALL DAY LONG! She's got a few na-na's and ya-ya's in there. I even heard ma-ma once or twice, but it's gone now haha! Everytime I do say ma-ma to Joanna, she shys away or yells at me!! Silly little girl.

Next week she will be 9 months! I am slowly planning her 1st birthday party and this is VERY exciting!! It will be simple and fun, just celebrating the birth of our angel sent straight from Heaven to us. (Also celebrating keeping a baby alive for a year! It's hard work!

She is on her first nap right now and for once I am not napping with her because I feel pretty awake so finally I am posting on here! She will be waking soon so that's Joanna's quick update! :-)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A picture of Jo standing

After numerous tries and plenty of blurry photos, I finally got a picture! She's multitasking now. She is getting so good at standing, its all she does now! I think walking is closer than we thought!!

We took Joanna to the doctor yesterday to get her 2nd flu shot and a pneumonia shot and she did SO well! The first shot she didn't even blink! The second made her cry a little but she stopped soon after.

Soon I will be working on more decoration for her room. I will be taking it wall by wall so I am excited about that. We have an animal theme going right now but I can't wait to have a princess theme or whatever she asks for!! 

Easter is coming up so I will be attempting a dress for her, maybe we can match! :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Joanna Can Stand!!

She reached a new milestone today! She's been pulling herself up on anything and everything she can (including mommy) for a while now but today she stood on her own! A few weeks ago, I tried letting go of her hands and she stayed standing for a few seconds but she did it all her own today! My husband and I have been practicing with her and I am sure she is going to walk before she is 1! Time to get a walker maybe?

Of course I don't have a picture but that will be my next goal, get a picture of her standing! We're going to keep practicing so she can get strong! :-)

Friday, March 18, 2011

8 months later..

So I guess I finally decided to write a blog for my baby! I think it's a great idea especially since I am 2500 miles from my family. They can really see whats going on with my little miss :-)

From the moment that I became pregnant, I knew that our baby would be special. When we found out that she was a girl, I knew she was going to be even more special because her name would be Joanna.

*A little back story*
....when I met my husband and learned that his mothers name was Joann and he learned that my grandmothers name was Jo Anne, both of whom past away, he asked that one day, if we have a girl can we name her Joanne? I said yes and funny enough we were sitting outside on the swing, looking at the stars. She happened to be born on an eclipse. This is an important event and means much more than we can even imagine. 

Anyway, when I actually became pregnant, we decided a boy and girl name and I added the more modern version of Joann with an a instead and that's how we have Joanna.

When she was born and I first laid my eyes on her, I couldn't believe how beautiful she was and that she was ours. It's an amazing feeling to share with the person you love the best gift ever, and this is a child. My husband and I have such endless amounts of love for her. She is the start of something great, a beautiful family that my husband and I are trying to build.

As Joanna develops and learn new things, I see how smart she is and wow I created a person. There is a little someone in that little baby body and she has a lot to say!

I love when our eyes lock and I can feel that loving bond mother and baby have. It is literally the most amazing feeling of the world. She is so special and I can feel her power. She will have everything and do anything she wants. She's destined for nothing but greatness.

As her mother, I have promised her and God, the world. She will have it and more. I will provide her with all the love she can stand and be so patient with her and teach her what is right and what is wrong. I will remember that she is a baby and she is learning. She is most important and comes before me and anything else. I promise to always take my time with her and help her learn. She knows nothing of time or anything else we've got going on in this year of 2011.

She is my baby, I am her mother, that is all she knows and that is the way it will always be. :-)