Joanna Michele

My amazing little girl - Born July 11, 2010 - 7lbs 14oz 19in.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9 months & counting!

 On Monday our Joanna turned 9 months old! She is getting SO big! A few days before her 9 month birthday, Joanna took her first steps! I was shocked and I never thought she'd be the early walker. She has been standing on her own for a while now, but since she didn't do it for very long at a time, I thought we would have a ways to go before walking. My little miss proved me wrong! As of today, she can take 5-7 steps at a time and she can change direction while standing! (Maybe she will be running by 1, hehe)

It's now time to get some cabinet locks. She used to open the cabinets before just by using them for support when standing, but now she knows stuff is in there! Mostly, she goes for the cabinet with all the plastic containers. I'll let her have that cabinet but gotta lock up the others!

Also, today I found a 3rd tooth! She likes to eat my fingers and I felt something sharp up top! Yay to the third tooth! She has been sooo drooly lately, I've been wondering where the rest of her teeth were LOL. She is taking it much better than her 1st two teeth but I can tell she is a bit sensitive.  

That's all for now, Easter is soon and I'm going to have Easter eggs filled with puffs and yogurt melts in the backyard waiting for her. I am still trying to figure out what else to fill her basket with!


At April 13, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Kim said...

she's growing up so quickly already!!!

At April 13, 2011 at 7:29 PM , Blogger Kassi Hill said...

im so proud of Jo!


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